Thursday, April 27, 2006

Red Bamboo grand opening!

Last night was the OFFICIAL grand opening of Red Bamboo, which was a great opportunity to see beautiful people looking decked out in their finery. I arrived around 8ish and had some of the passed hors d’oeuvres as well as several drinks. I had a married Trini guy hit on me and we had an interesting discussion on the difference between staying in a marriage out of commitment and also really enjoying sex. So, basically he dates outside his marriage but makes sure that the home front is taken care of. You know I’ve met guys like this before and it really makes me want to run FAR FAR away from marriage. I mean what’s the point of being married if you plan on cheating. That is truly disgusting and amazing that we as women put up with that. It just goes to show how much you can lower your standards in order to meet the standards that society imposes on us. Later on, I ran into someone I knew and he was with some friends. I found one of them very attractive but he rebuffed my flirtatiousness and any possible advances that I was making. I was shocked and disappointed since I’m not used to being rejected, esp. when I look cute and sexy. He kept using the excuse that he had an important meeting in the morning and I inferred that he didn’t want to exert too much of an effort to dance or engage in any meaningful conversation. I made a last ditch effort to propose going out with him for dinner or drinks. He said that the issue was complicated and left it at that. So, basically it was a NO. Needless to say there was no number exchanging in that situation. I didn't leave until 1:30am and to think I had to go to work this morning! I struggled through the entire day.

I’m off to Miami for the weekend so I’m sure I’ll have some good stories after I get back to NY!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sugar daddy and I went on another date!

So, last night I went out with “sugar daddy” to a relatively new restaurant, called Olea. The food was great but I realize that he’s not very adventurous. Basically, restaurants like Junior’s are more his speed, since he’s pretty much a meat and potatoes type of guy. Anyway, he seemed to enjoy this Mediterranean restaurant and we had a nice time. Afterwards, we went to another spot around the corner named June for drinks. The conversation became a little strained for me because he wanted to know my interests, for the millionth time. I told him that I don’t like to repeat myself especially if he already remembered what I had said before. He was a little annoyed that he couldn’t reach me over the weekend. He also mentioned that I need to “slow down my energy”. I’m not really sure what that means but clearly we are not a match made in heaven. Then I proceeded to tell him that I would be unavailable for most of the weekends in May and he was slightly perturbed by that fact. I don’t know if it’s worth it to continue dating someone with whom I’m not that interested. He wanted to go somewhere else but I begged off claiming that I was too tired. So, I went home and he continued hanging out without me.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Saturday night was great!!!

I’m slowly recovering from my weekend of debauchery!!! Saturday night was one of the most exciting nights out of the past several weeks for me (especially for purposes of this blog). I stepped out of the house looking CUTE! I had just gotten my hair done in the morning so I was ready to spring into action. I arrived at Red Bamboo around 10ish and took a seat off to the side of the bar. Within about 10 min, a guy who used to live in LA but who recently moved to Queens (as in 6 years ago!) started talking to me. He happens to be an actor (good looking) and works for BET and of course he was a little full of himself. Fortunately, he disappeared soon afterwards. Then another guy offered to buy me a drink (and then he couldn’t stop buying me drinks). He started to get intoxicated and extremely boring. Suddenly out of nowhere, I realized that he was passing gas at the bar. Now that is really disgusting! I eventually escaped by going to dance with a friend of mine. I also ran into a guy that I had met 6 years ago, who remembered me and still had my info in his Treo 650. Now that’s pretty amazing! We agreed to get together soon for drinks/dinner. I saw some other people that I knew but nothing exciting happened so I won’t really talk about them.

Then I saw a guy that I dated late last year; let’s call him “big daddy”. Here's a little background on him: we dated for a few months last year and even went out to dinner for Valentine's Day this year. I found out recently that he got engaged, which means he obviously had a fiance when we were dating. He came with some mutual friends that I know but interestingly enough stayed outside the whole time. At some point, big daddy had to use the restroom. The area has individual stalls with a common sink area. So, I went with my girl to pretend like we had just come out of the restroom. He came out and looked happy to see her and a little surprised to see me with her. So, I said “I guess Congratulations are in order” and he answered yes. I asked him if he had picked out a date and he said that he hadn’t. So, I said “I guess I’m invited to the party” and responded that it will be the party of the year. Of course, the entire time he looked like he wanted to vomit. You truly had to be there to experience this particular story. It also shows how there’s really 6 degrees (or less) of separation between people. He left soon after with his fiancé but his friends, who he came with, partied the night away!

Then lo and behold, around midnight, I saw the 60+ year old b-day guy from the previous weekend roll up in a Sean John velour outfit. Now that is a disgrace. I’m sure Diddy didn’t design those clothes for people like him (if only you could see him….). Anyway, he asked me if sugar daddy was there and I said no, I was rolling solo.

I met some other good looking sexy men, who ALL had women at home. Why are all the good looking men taken?? Why is it the women are always at home? I guess that’s part of the reason that I’m single!!

DJ Misbehavior was back again and she was off the hook. I hope she ends up with a regular gig there especially since a lot of people from the neighborhood support her. This could definitely be the hotspot of the summer (and no they aren’t paying me to say that!!)

For those of you, who celebrate Easter, hope you had a good one and prayed for me because I went to bed as the sun was rising so needless to say, church didn’t exactly happen for me!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Other random male interactions today...

I know that it seems so unbelievable that I can have this many stories and actually keep up with them but this blog is definitely helping's almost like having a narrative version of an excel spreadsheet. Sometimes, I'm in denial that I actually meet the amount of people that I meet on a daily and weekly basis...but it's therapeutic and entertaining for you the reader...and who knows, maybe it will launch my 1st novel!!

This morning I struggled into work, which is kind of how it happens every day since I am NOT a morning person!! I need a job that starts at around 11am. Anyway, work today was a little empty due to the fact that it's Passover and Easter (as well as tax time!) but that was cool because at least I could get a lot of work done. So, I went to get my morning coffee and bagel sandwich at the corner deli and as usual the Mexican guy (yes I inquired...because far be it from me to assume his ethnicity since all Hispanics are not Mexican) in the kitchen starts flirting with me. Does this happen to any of you or is it just me? He flirts with me on a daily basis but today he was on a roll and I think I said "gracias" so he got wind of the fact that I speak Spanish and it was like manna from heaven. He introduced himself to me and wanted to know where I was from...where my parents are from...etc..of course, he has some gold in his mouth but that is par for the course for me because when I'm not meeting 50 year old men, I'm meeting the guys with the rims in their mouth. Well, if it means I'll get my bagel a little faster, then I'll put up with it. But, that wasn't the only guy who was in rare form today.

As I headed to my office, I see this guy who works in the records dept who was trying to holla. He was REALLY happy to have this one on one opportunity to chat with me. Over the past few weeks, he has asked me whether I'm married...where I live and what song can he use to serenade me. Of course, I took all this in stride. But a couple of days ago he said "good night my love" when he was leaving the office for the day, and I realized that I needed to put the "kabish" on this really quickly before it gets out of hand. Therefore, I proceeded to break it to him lightly that I don't date at the office. He wanted to know why and blah blah blah but then he said that he understood and we had a few more light moments of conversation before I had to go back inside. Now, you ask what is the real reason I won't date him? He's overweight, dresses shabbily, smokes, and oh, the best part, he has a gold "rim" around one of his teeth. Why me?

Is it that hard to meet a man, in his 30s or 40s, who is single, gainfully employed, speaks proper English, is living on his own, has his own teeth w/o any metal, and oh yeah, has good credit (at least a score of 700, if he even knows what that is) Well, I'm off to Red Bamboo tomorrow night and we'll see how that goes. Overall, I've met the most potential prospects there so I'll see if my lucky streak continues!!

Sugar daddy wants to hang out again!

So, I went out this evening on Date #2 with "sugar daddy" (though I might have to come up with another name for him after tonight) First, I met up with one of my girls for dinner and wine at Stonehome Wine Bar and then we went across the street to Moe's, this local watering hole because I decided to have the guy meet me there. I'm really curious to see what she thinks about him....After a few drinks, I told him that I was tired but he insisted on hanging out a little longer. He wanted to go to Two Steps Down, where he had forgotten his glasses on Sat. night when we went over to wish his friend who was turning 60-something a Happy Birthday (his friend is also a bachelor...are you seeing a pattern here?) Now, I must insert my $.02 here and say that most of us would have called the place or stopped by a lot sooner to inquire about our lost property but I guess it wasn't a pressing situation, though he seems to need the glasses to see on a daily basis! He was so delighted about finding his glasses that he decided that we should have another drink and some appetizers. After that, I thought we would end the night but alas, he now wanted to go to Red Bamboo for yet another drink (maybe he's trying to show me can hang out late!) But seriously, at that point, I was thinking "either he really likes my company or he thinks I look good on his arm" We get there and order drinks, at which point he mentions that "his budget is a little light" and I'm thinking...ok...he's got a serious budgeting problem. How does someone go from dropping $100 dollar bills a few days ago (and leaving $20 tips) to counting singles in his wallet?? I also found out earlier in the evening that he doesn't really like to use his debit or credit cards (mind you, I'm not clear that he actually possesses them) due to the issue of fraud and identity theft. I understand this concern but I don't know a whole lot of people that walk around with a lot of cash on hand, esp. in NY. After that, we finally headed home in a car and the car dropped me home first and then dropped him off. As I was exiting the car, I leaned in to give him a friendly kiss on the cheek and he went in for a kiss on the lips...of course I had to deflect that really quickly. Needless, I'm NOT ready to go down that road!! So, on the advice of some of my friends, I realize that I might be hitting a bump in the road, which is WHAT AM I GOING TO DO IF HE WANTS TO TAKE THINGS TO THE NEXT LEVEL?? He's already mentioned travelling to Las Vegas and the Caribbean adnd just taking time off on a whim to have a good time. He has 400+ hours of vacation time accrued (I have like 10.5 hours accrued to give you some perspective) Also, even though he's a sweet guy and has some interesting moments, about 70% of the time, I was bored and losing interest in the conversation and of that, 30% of what he said was stuff that he had mentioned in a previous conversation. So, my friends, I'm in a dilemma because I'm not sure how long I can keep up this charade.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

That's what happens when you drink too much...

I had to make some corrections to my last entry...Sorry to those of you had read it and it didn't make sense! I have to ease up on the drinking, I am really suffering today! I'm off to take a power nap at the gym :)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Sugar daddy comes through.....

OK, so I took the advice of my friends and I decided to try and post on a more regular basis!!! I met up with my sugar daddy tonight and he treated me like a queen. Man, now I know what it's like to live the good life.

We had drinks at one spot, June, they had these great Kiwi Martinis, I've never had that before!! Then we had dinner at Lou Lou, the food was horrible and so was the service so don't ever go there!! Then we went to a local dive bar but I think he got jealous when this hot guy started chatting with me so he said "You don't have to finish your drink" and we took a car service to another local bar/lounge and had drinks. He bought drinks for everyone at the bar. Granted there were like 5 people at the bar so it wasn't a big deal. By the way, he slipped me $30 for me to treat myself to lunch. I could really get used to this!! We left around 11pm and I've had way too much too drink....and it's only Tuesday night. How am I going to get through the rest of the week?? He called me once he got home to tell me he got there safely and he would LOVE to see me again, so I said that I would go out with him again!!

Meeting good looking guys....

I realize that it's really easy to meet guys but it's a whole lot harder to actually hold onto them, don't you agree?

This past weekend I met 3 guys:
Guy#1 - tall, dark and handsome but a total playboy. We spoke on Sunday and we were going to hang out and he was supposed to meet me at a certain time but never showed up nor did he call to cancel or reschedule. (He will be) Deleted!!! Note: For those of you who don't my style, this is something that I do quite frequently.

Guy#2 - short, sexy bald head, and a good JOB...that's so refreshing!! We actually agreed to meet up for a meal and/or drinks next week. He travels 50% of the time for business. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

Guy#3 - OK so I think I've met a sugar daddy!!! I always wondered what that would be like. He bought me countless drinks, dinner and then dragged me to his friends' birthday party and let's just say that I have never been hit on by a guy this old (he claims he's 50 but he looks a little older) He bought his friend a bottle of Moet and drinks for everyone at the table (about 10 people). He also happened to be a good dancer....hmmmm. We're supposed to go out to dinner this week. He's old school, which is nice, but he also doesn't have access to the internet (hmmm, that's a deal breaker for me!) He might be good for a few dates, I deserve it, don't I? Or is that just wrong of me? I need to see if I can get past the age difference, I mean he's got a 21 year old daughter!! I'll keep you posted on any new developments on this front as well.

I also promise to try and update my blog on a more regular basis!!

Monday, April 10, 2006

I met a con artist....

It's been a long time since I posted and I've had some friends hound me to post on a more regualar basis. It's amazing that we talk about immigration and illegal immigration but we really can't even get a handle on our own citizens!! Case in point, I recently met a gentleman through an acquaintance, who lives in the Caribbean. He proceeded to impress me with his intellect, business acumen and culinary skills. Wow, was I, we promised to keep in touch. We were emailing and calling each other on a regular basis and all of a sudden I ran into one of his in-laws who basically told me that he moved to the Caribbean to avoid paying child support for his children and he had squandered away thousands of dollars of his inheritance. I also found out that contrary to what he had told me, he didn't have a bank account...nor any credit cards so that no one can track him down (he told me he was a victim of identity theft) I also found out that he usually associates himself with women who have resources or access to resources....and I thought wow I just met a modern day, educated con man who swindles people out of their money....creates babies...and doesn't support them. In fact, his oldest kids were raised on welfare. Now, if we can't deport people back to the U.S. so that they can get jailed for something like this, how the hell do we think that we can actually control illegal immigration...