Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Dating on Smith St.

So, on Saturday, I had a brunch date!! I really had taken a bit of a hiatus from going out on dates. It takes real effort to meet new people, and start telling each person all about who you are. I was really excited because this is a guy who is good looking and smart, which is a definite plus. We had brunch at this cute little French spot on Smith St. (don’t know the name!) We sat around and chatted for a while and then I had a BBQ to go to and he had some other things to do so we each went our separate way.

He is a big fan of courting s a woman however he is very JADED about being in a serious relationship because things didn’t end well with his previous relationship with a his girlfriend of 6 years. Not really sure how long ago he broke up with her, but I know it’s been at least a few years. That’s unfortunate but that also means a huge red flag for me or any other woman who tries to break down that wall.

Anyway, we went out on another date on Monday night. We met up at Starbucks for coffee/tea and chatted outside for a while then we ended up going back to Smith St. to Bar Tabac for a few glasses of wine and appetizers. I have to say the waiter was fine!!!! The waiter was from France and Cameroon….needless to say, I was drooling. But, I digress, I was there with my date and we were chatting about dating, our careers and sports. I started to realize that although I like being around him, I don’t see any fizzle or chemistry happening and I don’t anticipate that there will be any. Either it’s there or it’s not. You can’t really force it. I think the fact that he is jaded makes it difficult to penetrate the wall that he has built up around him and there’s nothing that I can do about that.

Friday, June 16, 2006

World Cup excitement continues.....

I've been caught up in World Cup fever this past week and for those of you who are into it, it is truly addictive!! Yesterday, I took the day off so I could watch the action at Sugarcane. (I know it seems crazy but you should see the fans from Trinidad and Tobago!!) It was well worth it and I would definitely do it all over again.

The match started at 3pm and the restaurant was PACKED!! It seems like a lot of other people had the same idea. There was a sea of people dressed in red to support the Soca Warriors. Everyone was running on pure energy in an atmosphere that resembled Carnival. They had food and drink specials in honor of the World Cup, which was a very nice touch. I had the Dwight Yorke special (a drink consisting of sorrel and white rum) and ordered the pelau (pigeon peas, rice, and chicken all cooked up together).

The crowd had plenty of beautiful men and women. I have to say Trinidad and Tobago definitely can boast that it has some of the moat beautiful and ethnically diverse people in the world. So, this Caribbean guy that I have a huge crush on showed up to watch the match. I was extremely excited because I was looking cute, my hair was looking good and I was excited. He ended up buying lunch and drinks for me the entire afternoon, which was a very nice unexpected touch! Here’s a little background about the guy. He lives in Brooklyn, is in his 30’s and owns his own business. Unfortunately, he’s also dating a few people so I don’t know that his head is in it to have any type of serious relationship at this time. It might be good to just remain friends with him which also means a lot less pressure on the situation.

After the match ended (T&T lost to England 2-0), we walked down to the Brooklyn Bridge and took pictures, on and around the Brooklyn Bridge. Then we sat in the Fulton Ferry Park relaxing and chatting for a little while. It was very nice to be able to spend time with someone on a casual level and enjoy a conversation about both of our professional pursuits. I think that sometimes it’s hard to meet a guy who truly understands me and at the same time can help me become a much better person. For that, I am truly grateful.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

World Cup brings out the cuties!!

For all you World Cup fans, the excitement is already underway. Yesterday I watched a few matches from home. England beat Paraguay 3-0 and later on Trinidad and Tobago (aka Soca Warriors) played Sweden and the final score was 0-0. Trinidad and Tobago will play England on Thursday so that should be exciting!! I will be there cheering them on!!
Afterwards, I went over to Sugarcane (it’s a Trinidadian restaurant on Flatbush between 6th and Bergen). The excitement in the restaurant was palpable because the Trinidad and Tobago fans were partying like it was Carnival time. In the hour that I hung out there, I had several guys hit on me. I will probably see all of them again when I return to Sugarcane to check out the game Thursday. This guy, let’s call him Big C., bought me a drink and flirted with me shamelessly. He was cute, with a bit of a gut (which wasn’t cute) but he had a really nice personality. It turns out he’s been married for 6 years, but things aren’t working out with his wife (If only I had a dollar for every time I heard that line) He proceeded to invite me to a last minute BBQ that had been thrown together, and he gave me his business card. I told him I would call him to get the info – which I did but he didn’t pick up the phone. Not that I would necessarily go since it sounded like he might just want to have a private session with me. Maybe he had to go back home to wifey!
Another guy who flirted with me was absolutely gorgeous….like a nice refreshing chocolate martini!! I chatted with him briefly but he was on his way out but he said he would be back to watch the match on Thursday. Last but not least I met a guy who works at a post office, processing mail. Trust me; he looked more like a model than a guy who works in the post office. I was definitely surprised. He claimed that he is single, which of course I didn’t believe but then again I’m single, which many find to believe but I guess it’s possible if you decide to hold out until you meet the “right” person that you would like to date. I then left Sugarcane, in pursuit of a “Soca Warriors” t-shirt and some T&T flags that I could fly out of the windows of my car. I was flying on cloud nine!!